$(document).ready(function() { //se existir o header if($(".owl-slider-banner-header").length > 0){ //ConfiguraĆ§Ć£o do carrossel de projetos $(".owl-slider-banner-header").owlCarousel({ items: 1, itemsDesktop : [1200,1], itemsDesktopSmall : [1000,1], itemsDesktopSmall2 : [900,1], itemsTablet: [600, 1], itemsMobile: [479, 1], navigation : true, navigationText : [' ',''], }); } }); $('.show_side_menu').on('click', function () { $('#side_menu').toggleClass('push_side_menu_left'); }); $("#dropdown_example li a").on("click", function (e) { //allow links to be followed if they don't have a sub-menu if (!$(this).parent().has("ul").length) { return; } //we have a sub-menu, so stop the link from being followed e.preventDefault(); if (!$(this).hasClass("open")) { //we need to know which 'level' we're on var currentLevel = $(this).closest('ul') $("li ul", currentLevel).slideUp(350); $("li a", currentLevel).removeClass("open"); // open our new menu and add the open class $(this).next("ul").slideDown(350); $(this).addClass("open"); } else { $(this).removeClass("open"); $(this).next("ul").slideUp(350); } }); function example_toggle() { if ($("#example_icon").hasClass("fa-angle-down")) { $('#example_icon').removeClass('fa-angle-down'); $('#example_icon').addClass('fa-angle-up'); } else { $('#example_icon').removeClass('fa-angle-up'); $('#example_icon').addClass('fa-angle-down'); } }